Does Fat Freezing Work and Is it Safe?
Hello everyone
Are you trying to get a slimmer body and finding it difficult to remove some stubborn bulges of fat? Indeed sometimes diet and exercise are not just not enough, and that’s where body contouring procedures can help, enabling you to achieve the slender, sculpted body of your dreams!
When it comes to selecting a body sculpting treatment, there are many options out there, including liposuction, ultrasonic cavitation, lipo laser, velashape, light therapy and much more! In this article, we’ll discuss one of the most popular and effective treatments, which is cryolipolysis fat freezing.
A great alternative to liposuction, fat freezing is a non-invasive body contouring treatment can help you achieve the body you’ve always dreamed of without going under the knife.
Read on to learn more about how fat freezing technology works, who is the best candidate for the procedure, and how the new upgraded 360 Degrees Surround Cooling makes fat freezing even safer and more effective than ever!

What is Cryolipolysis Fat Freezing?
- Cryolipolysis fat freezing is an advanced, non-invasive procedure that helps reduce the number of fat cells in the subcutaneous fat layer underneath your skin.
- It’s a safe and effective way to sculpt your body, with clinical studies showing up to a 20% reduction in fat after just one session.
- Fat freezing technology takes advantage of the fact that fat cells are far more vulnerable to cold temperatures than are other types of cells, and the treatment works by using extreme cold temperatures to literally freeze fat cells to death.
- The dead fat cells are subsequently removed for the body naturally via the the lymphatic system.
- A major advantage of fat freezing over traditional dieting is that the fat reduction is permanent.
- Weight loss diets only shrink the size of the fat cells. In contrast, fat freezing actually reduces the total number of fat cells. Makes sense, right? Because once a dead fat cell is removed from the body, that same fat cell will never be coming back.
How long does it take to achieve results?
A single 1 hour treatment of cryolipolisis fat freezing is all it takes to reduce fat on the targeted area by up to 20%. However, the results won’t immediately be visible because the fat cells which are destroyed during the treatment don’t leave the body instantly.
Rather it normally takes several weeks for the body’s metabolic processes to completely remove the dead fat cells, and only then will you start seeing the results when you look in the mirror.
So in summary, yes, fat freezing can help you say goodbye to stubborn fat without surgery or downtime. Yes, it can help you achieve a slimmer, more sculpted physique. And yes a single treatment can achieve significant results. However, you’ll need to patiently wait for several weeks to enjoy the results. Additionally, the results should be maintained by following a heathy diet and exercise regime.

Cryolipolisis fat freezing is not a general weight loss treatment, nor is it a cure for obesity. Rather, it’s an ideal treatment for reducing localized pockets of fatty tissue on the body and is specifically designed to target areas of fat that are resistant to diet and exercise.
If you are an adult in good health and close to your ideal weight, with normal kidney function, and you are striving to remove stubborn fat on specific areas, fat freezing can definitely help you to achieve a slimmer more confident you!
Cryolipolysis fat freezing is an FDA approved completely non-invasive treatment. No anesthesia is required, and no long term side effect, pain or discomfort should be expected.
That being said, during the treatment, patients may experience some uncomfortable feelings of numbness. Any such feelings are temporary and go away soon after the treatment. Furthermore, no nerve damage is suffered. Other temporary side effects such as, tingling, swelling, itchiness etc. also diminish soon after the completion of the fat freezing treatment.
360 degrees Surround Cooling technology redefines fat freezing by providing 100% complete uniform cooling.
Older fat freezing machine technology uses double sided cooling which can result in dead corners and uneven distribution of the cooling energy. The inefficiency of the older technology can cause weaker results, discomfort and even frost bite.
360-degree Surround Cooling Technology, by contrast, facilitates completely uniform distribution of cooling energy in the targeted area, resulting in perfectly safe and highly efficient destruction of fat cells. Furthermore the various interchangeable treatment heads on Surround Cooling fat freezing machines are efficiently shaped according different body areas.
Users of a cryolypolisis fat freezing machine with Surround Cooling can expect more than 30% improved fat reduction compared to traditional double-sided cooling, with zero risk of frost bite.