Did you know that, according to Harper’s Bazaar magazine, the average woman spends more than $30,000 in her lifetime to remove unwanted hair? Additionally, the average woman who shaves spends more than $8,000 over her lifetime to shave off unwanted hair.
Considering that waxing or shaving can be expensive, troublesome and time-consuming, having to worry about hair removal on an almost daily basis can be frustrating.
Fortunately, there is a solution: laser hair removal. When you undergo Candela Gentle Pro surgery, you will receive many benefits.
If you’re completely unfamiliar with what hair removal devices are available on the market, don’t worry. Read on for our complete breakdown of everything you need to know about laser hair removal machines.
Choose the right spot size
Lasers with larger spot sizes can significantly shorten treatment duration compared to lasers with smaller spot sizes. It allows you to book more patients per day.
Additionally, larger spot sizes allow for deeper penetration into the skin. This ultimately has a greater therapeutic effect on the hair follicles in the deepest layers of the skin.
Ensures all skin types can be treated
If you want to be the top laser hair removal provider in your community, you need to be able to serve clients of all skin types. It’s never a good idea to deny service to a client for any reason, especially if you can’t address their skin tone in an appropriate manner.
When hair removal technology first became available, it could only be used on people with lighter skin.
Patients with darker skin had more adverse reactions. These include hyperpigmentation, burns, and other problems caused by treatment. While older techniques are still used today, newer developments, such as the ability to work at multiple wavelengths, integrated skin cooling, and other improvements, have made laser hair removal safer and more acceptable to patients. Suitable for all different skin types.
You want a machine that can not only treat all skin types, but eliminate most hair types, regardless of texture or skin tone. Additionally, you’ll want a machine with a built-in 360-degree contact skin cooling system. It cools the skin immediately before each treatment pulse. This is a feature that all patients appreciate and one you should look for when purchasing a machine.
In addition to this, machine technology is utilized to ensure even distribution of energy over the treatment area. Therefore, the likelihood of uncomfortable side effects and hot spots is reduced.
Dependable Service
When determining which laser hair removal equipment to purchase, don’t ignore the kind of service help that comes with your laser. This is the last but certainly not the least important point.
Consider what happens if your laser has a malfunction, a laser glitch, or an emergency. You will need assistance that is both prompt and reliable in order to get it back up and running as quickly as possible.
A laser system that cannot be immediately maintained is a source of frustration for you, your business, and your clients. There is nothing that is more disheartening.
How do you choose the best laser removal equipment for you when there are so many options?
IPL is an abbreviation for “intense pulsed light.” Despite the fact that IPL is not a laser, it is widely used in aesthetics to eliminate undesired hair.
IPL, like lasers, targets the melanin in the hair to destroy the follicle. IPL treatments are similar to laser treatments in that they both employ light to heat their targets. The pale complexion and dark hair are good candidates for IPL hair removal.
IPL is not safe for tanned skin since it employs wide spectrum light that targets all sorts of skin structures, as opposed to laser, which is ultra-focused on concentrating heat in the follicles. Because of the sluggish coverage rate and the large handpiece, IPL is seldom utilized for hair removal. It is, nevertheless, still a popular and efficient method for removing brown spots and skin redness.
When it comes to pros, this is a fairly common piece of equipment that can be found in practically any dermatological practice. It can remove freckles and brown patches are removed. Also, it’s inexpensive.
The Alexandrite laser hair removal system is the laser that is used the most often on the market today. This is due to the fact that it is both efficient and quick.
The shorter Alexandrite (or “Alex”) laser pulse repetition rates and larger treatment spot sizes make it possible to treat extensive areas of the body in a shorter amount of time. Because the laser is so good at targeting brown pigment, the Alex is most effective and safest when used on people with light to olive-coloured skin.
Because of the rapid nature of the laser pulses, the patient may experience some discomfort. However, despite this, it continues to enjoy a lot of popularity since treatment times are cut down significantly. In order to ease patients’ suffering and improve their overall experience, more recent Alexandrite devices are equipped with cooling systems.
It’s extremely effective in removing hair. And, the rapid repetition rate and short treatment periods minimize the pain.
Because the Diode laser is a newer laser hair removal device, there is less research to establish its long-term safety and efficacy. The wavelengths produced by the Diode penetrate deep into the hair follicle. Deep laser penetration is safer for darker skin types.
The 808nm wavelength is strongly absorbed by melanin (the pigment in hair follicles), while having little effect on other tissues. This selective absorption allows the laser to accurately target hair follicles, minimizing damage to surrounding normal skin and ensuring the safety of the hair removal process.
808nm laser has strong adaptability to different skin colors and can produce good hair removal results in people with different skin types and colors. This makes 808nm laser hair removal potentially applicable to a wide range of people.
Nd: YAG (1064 nm)
Lasers that use the Nd:Yag wavelength range may penetrate the hair follicle significantly. YAG laser penetration is safer for those with darker skin types than CO2 laser penetration. This is because the energy produced by the laser cannot concentrate in areas of the skin where pigment is present.
Additionally, as compared to the diode laser, the Nd: YAG laser permits the use of shorter pulse lengths without compromising safety. When working with a fine hair texture, this comes in quite handy. Shorter pulse durations make it possible to treat more areas of the body in a shorter amount of time.
The fact that this laser hair removal equipment is the least dangerous one available on the market right now is the primary advantage it offers. It has a high repetition rate and just a few minutes between each treatment. Dermatologists are of the opinion that this particular laser is the most effective and least risky option for patients who have darker or tanned skin.
Additionally, the introduction of new technology always results in increased expenses. Devices such as the Cynosure Elite, Candela, Cutera Excel, GentleYAG, Lyra, Medlite IV, and Sciton are among the most widely used Nd: YAG options
Most probably you have a couple of questions that only a professional can answer. We’ve got your back. You can get in touch with us, and we’ll help you narrow down your research and be ready to provide hair removal treatments in no time at all.